Case Studies

Fixed Asset Identification and Inventories

  • Category :Financial Planning
  • Client :Banking
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Fixed assets – often, the biggest line item on the balance sheet - are under greater scrutiny. One of the leading bank facing lots of following issues pertaining to Fixed Assets

  • Containing ghost assets

  • Grouped assets

  • Vague descriptions

  • Wrong quantity


  • Restructuring of FAR - (Complete review of FAR , Reviewed all the purchase documents , Updated correct quantity and description against each assets).

  • Verification Planning - (Created robust process for verification and tagging activity , Training Auditors , Created photo gallery and share to executive team for reference purpose ).

  • Audit Execution - (Blind Verification to cover each and every asset at branches, Captured the detailed attributes of each asset, Jointly Sign off the verified data).

  • Reconciliation – (Specialised backed team who worked on verified data and release the reconciliation report , Timely delivery of branch wise report , After verification of all the branches, backend team prepared the consolidated report for all the branches).


  • Verification of 250 branches and 30 offices were completed within 15 days.

  • Reconciliation reports for each branch released within 48 hours after verification.

  • Robust verification process by collaborating with the business team, a simple yet accurate design was created.

  • Fast and accurate technology: Use of handheld terminals for capturing asset serial number.  This helped to do away with all manual dependencies.

  • Tagging of assets help bank official to track each assets and next verification of assets become more accurate, faster and cost effective.

  • Common platform has been established between finance and admin/IT department for track the assets.